Monday 8 September 2008

New blog

as the blog says at the beginning "growing, discerning, evolving and creating a new existence in this world that is coming to a close"
and with this in mind this blog will use the cloaking device and morph into

which I will be starting with the new Large Hedron Collider going on it's maiden run on 10/09/08 (looks like a count down happening here)
Enjoy the new blog, the new start. Lets see where we are led...

No sunspots for a month

In the recent article highlighting the historical event of zero sunspots for one full month, does point to a very important consequence. This recent event is significant as many climatologists now believe solar magnetic activity, which determines the number of sunspots, is an influencing factor for climate on Earth. According to data from Mount Wilson Observatory, UCLA, more than an entire month has passed without a spot. The last time such an event occurred was June of 1913. Sunspot data has been collected since 1749.When the Sun is active, it is not uncommon to see sunspot numbers of 100 or more in a single month. Every 11 years, activity slows, and numbers briefly drop to near-zero. Normally sunspots return very quickly, as a new cycle begins. But this year, which corresponds to the start of Solar Cycle 24, has been extraordinarily long and quiet, with the first seven months averaging a sunspot number of only 3. August followed with none at all. The astonishing rapid drop of the past year has defied predictions, and caught nearly all astronomers by surprise.

Life & fire

Life & fire
is this the Dawning One?

Hello there traveller

Welcome to the mind and reality of a new and changing world.

What do you aspire to be and do in the new reality that is being created as you read?

Will you try to hang on to the old ways that are soon to be erased or will you step into the void and create a new reality ripe with the promise of fulfilment of a thousand golden years?

The choice is yours and yours alone...
Choose wisely.