Wednesday 3 January 2007

To The Uni~verse

OK, Universe, here I am
you keep putting incredible synchronistic events and information in my way for those "aha" type moments and realisations so they virtually land in my lap so that I do not miss them. Fulfilment of destiny is at stake here, the path of destiny is the journey to the end point, which when you reach it refracts and moves on further. The events disguised as adventures, gleanings and people along the way are the spice of life. I'm out of spice! Has the spice been all used up? Surely not!
Which blend of spice is the "Spice of the year" for 2007? Is it a mix of new people and events energetically linked to mutual progress in the ever ending spiral of creation? To knowing the essence of the "SELF"? To surfacing the shadow so it can no longer can cause havoc in the unseen places of the soul? To living out life in a mix of creative joyous ecstasy regardless of surrounding events?
Ah, be in this world but not of it
Can I be selective in what I choose not to be a part of and just enjoy the good bits?
I'll answer that, "YEP"
And so it is

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Life & fire

Life & fire
is this the Dawning One?

Hello there traveller

Welcome to the mind and reality of a new and changing world.

What do you aspire to be and do in the new reality that is being created as you read?

Will you try to hang on to the old ways that are soon to be erased or will you step into the void and create a new reality ripe with the promise of fulfilment of a thousand golden years?

The choice is yours and yours alone...
Choose wisely.