Thursday, 31 May 2007

Gulf Stream

Recently, some scientists have been claiming that the Gulf Stream is more stable than thought, but there is now additional evidence that it is weakening. The Gulf Stream's flow turned south in early May, and continued moving southward through May 15. By May 22, it was beginning to show signs of recovery, however what had been one of the hottest springs on record in the British Isles has been transformed into a cold and wet beginning of June. Is this simply normal for the area, or did the change in the stream's flow cause it? The present failure has almost certainly led to severe weather not only in Europe, but across the entire northern hemisphere. The present anomaly was too short lived to provide a clear relationship, but it is also true that these dramatic southerly turns of the stream are not commonplace. In the years that Unknowncountry has been watching the Gulf Stream, the December 2006 and May 2007 anomalies are the only two we have observed.
My two cents worth:
not only has this happened in the Northern Hemisphere but here in the Southern Hemisphere in particular in the Canberra region the same weather has manifested. We have had furious north westerly gusting winds that have wreaked havoc on homes and brought ice weather along with a furious dump of rain. This all has happened at the same time in the Southern aswell as Northern Hemispheres.
Guess there's truth to the saying that we are all one.

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Life & fire

Life & fire
is this the Dawning One?

Hello there traveller

Welcome to the mind and reality of a new and changing world.

What do you aspire to be and do in the new reality that is being created as you read?

Will you try to hang on to the old ways that are soon to be erased or will you step into the void and create a new reality ripe with the promise of fulfilment of a thousand golden years?

The choice is yours and yours alone...
Choose wisely.