Thursday, 10 May 2007

May 2007 Divine Alignment

One of the greatest obstacles any of us faces in achieving transcendence and thus union with our Divinity is the various limited identities we have assumed.

The realm of limitation holds ENORMOUS POTENTIAL despite all appearances. Just look at the energy released from matter in an atomic fission reaction. Matter is a form of energy that is operating in the realm of structure which is also a form of limitation.

All limitations have this magnitude of kinetic potential within them, we just do not see it much of the time. So here is where we start, we affirm the spiritual potential within the realm of limitation as an article of faith if nothing else. If we have not firmly enough established this foundation, we will get stuck in that which we came to morph and to mold. As we establish this frequency within our being more profoundly and deeply, our eyes widen and our vision deepens. We start to get glimpses of what the larger flow of limitless life really is really like, we drink from its font and sup at its table more frequently.

Then, one day, we find ourselves dining with our own Divinity, the Divinity of All-Being, and we no longer have any questions to be answered, or things that need to be proven or done, or places to go. We just are, and we can simply be.

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Life & fire

Life & fire
is this the Dawning One?

Hello there traveller

Welcome to the mind and reality of a new and changing world.

What do you aspire to be and do in the new reality that is being created as you read?

Will you try to hang on to the old ways that are soon to be erased or will you step into the void and create a new reality ripe with the promise of fulfilment of a thousand golden years?

The choice is yours and yours alone...
Choose wisely.